I'm Lukas.

The original founder of BreachDirectory, speaker, and the author of Hacking MySQL.

I am the original founder of BreachDirectory – a data breach search engine and directory that's used by millions of people. From protecting people from identity theft to assisting in law enforcement operations using OSINT and beyond – BreachDirectory.com does it all.

I'm also the author of Hacking MySQL, a book delivering answers to the most pressing database questions related to performance, availability, and security by walking developers through database secrets and unveiling why, how, and when databases break, and how to optimize and secure them for the future. My book builds mental models that are simple and practical and the same philosophy underpins everything I do.

I have a knack for distilling the most complex topics into simple and relatable explanations – that's why you will also find me talking, teaching, and sharing my knowledge amongst the biggest events in the world including FOSDEM, Percona LIVE, defCamp, MariaDB Server Fests, and other events and gatherings.

Aside from speaking, I also produce content for Severalnines, DbVisualizer, Redgate, Arctype and other companies – spreading knowledge through writing is one of my missions. You might want to take a glance at my blog too.

If you think that I could benefit your organization, schedule a meeting with me today and let's talk.

Alternatively, you can find me on X or reach me via email: